Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Idea to Improve the World

I propose we change the definition of gay panic to something that makes more sense.

And, in fact, we could feel free to completely eliminate the concept of what it means currently and I bet everyone's standard of living would go up. Everyone, everywhere.

For those who don't know, gay panic is a term used in the court room. Actual courtrooms, not just the ones on TV. The gay panic defense is a legal defense for when a homophobe decides to kill a gay person because of unwanted sexual advances. The dick, Brandon McInerney used when he was in the court room.

It started when Gwen Araujo was killed a few years ago. Apparently when they found out she was actually born a he, they got so worked up that they panicked and killed her. Fortunately, the jury is instructed not to considering their verdict, so that is kind of nice. Whatever, he should go to jail forever. Sorry you had shitty parents who taught you to hate gays.

Anyway, I came up with some alternate meanings for the word that, I think, would be better served by be the meaning behind "gay panic".
+ in economic terms, the gay panic is the change in Bible sales when gays begin moving into a town. (nobody gets shot)
+ when Cher tickets are going on sale and your iPhone is dead
+ when someone demands a gay become hysterical (gay, panic!)
+ what results after the phrase "YOU LOST MY DOGS?!"

In better news, New York City starts allowing people to get gay marriage certificates today. They started issuing gay marriage licenses and  its the Lord's day.  Granted, there was a massive protest, I like to think of it as "we love to hate love" protests. The protesters? Christians who hate love.

Here is what you are protesting

More terrifying than nuclear weapons.

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